An optometrist/optician should be the first person you seek advice from if you have a problem with your eye or your sight. They are the best people to deal with your problem, as they have all the expert knowledge and equipment that your GP does not.
If you already have your own optometrist you should contact them in the first instance, as having previous clinical records is very useful.
If you do not already have an optometrist, please click HERE for a list of optometrists in NE Edinburgh who are part of the Lothian Eye Health Network. Please contact them and they will arrange to see you.
Note that when you contact the optometrist of your choice their staff will assess your symptoms and offer you an appropriate appointment. The time you will have to wait will depend on the severity and duration of your symptoms. Emergency problems will be seen quickly. If your problem is urgent and they cannot manage to see you they will find someone who can.